New York Truck Accident Attorneys

New York Truck Accident Attorneys

A truck accident can have serious consequences, causing severe injuries or even loss of life. After such an accident, it’s crucial to have an experienced legal team by your side to guide you through the legal process and help you receive compensation for your losses.

If you or a loved one has been hurt in a truck accident in New York City or the Bronx, you need the assistance of a skilled truck accident attorney. At Mesadieu Law Firm, our lawyers have the expertise and knowledge to handle complex truck accident cases.

We understand the unique challenges that come with truck accidents, including the often-devastating injuries, complicated liability issues, and the need to identify all responsible parties, such as the trucking company, the truck driver, and the truck and its parts manufacturer.

At Mesadieu Law Firm, we are committed to fighting for your rights and ensuring you receive the justice and compensation you deserve. Our attorneys will thoroughly investigate the accident, gather evidence, and build a strong case on your behalf. We’re available 24/7 to address your concerns and provide you with the legal support you require.

If you’ve been in a truck accident in New York or the Bronx, reach out to Mesadieu Law Firm at 844-3-RIGHT-BY-YOU(844) 374-4482 or contact us online to arrange a free case evaluation with one of our experienced truck accident lawyers.

What to do After a Truck Accident

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Doctor’s Orders,
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Truck Accidents in New York: Get Help from Experienced Attorneys

Truck accidents can cause serious harm, both physically and financially. The injuries can be severe, and they might change your life in the long run. It’s crucial to receive the right compensation to help you get back on track.

Finding a fair settlement can be tough, especially when you’re recovering from significant injuries. This is where our experienced truck accident lawyers come in. Our team can thoroughly look into your accident, consider how it might affect your finances in the long term, and fight to make sure you get the compensation you should.

While you focus on getting better, our lawyers will work hard to protect your financial interests. Contact Mesadieu Law Firm today at 844-3-RIGHT-BY-YOU (844) 374-4482 or reach out to us online to set up a free case evaluation. Let us help you get the justice you deserve.

What Can a New York Truck Accident Lawyer do for Me? 

A New York City/Bronx truck accident lawyer offers a range of services to support you after a truck accident. Here’s what they can do:

  1. Investigate the accident: The lawyer will thoroughly look into the accident, gather evidence, and talk to witnesses to figure out what caused it.
  2. Assess your damages: They’ll help you understand the full extent of your injuries and losses, including medical bills, wages you couldn’t earn, and the pain and suffering you’ve gone through.
  3. Deal with insurance companies: The lawyer will handle talks with insurance companies to make sure you get fair compensation.
  4. File a lawsuit: If needed, they can file a lawsuit on your behalf and represent you in court.
  5. Provide legal guidance: They’ll guide you through the legal process, give you advice on your choices, and help you decide what’s best for your situation.

Overall, a truck accident lawyer is there to protect your rights and make sure you get the justice and compensation you should. If you’ve been in a truck accident in New York or the Bronx, contact Mesadieu Law Firm at 844-3-RIGHT-BY-YOU (844) 374-4482 or reach out to us online to arrange a free case evaluation with one of our experienced truck accident lawyers.

How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Truck Accident Attorney in New York? 

At Mesadieu Law Firm, you don’t have to worry about paying us anything upfront. We only get paid if we win your case or secure compensation for you. You won’t have to reach into your pocket to cover our fees.

What Should I Do After a Truck Accident in New York? 

If you’ve been in a truck accident in New York, here’s what you should do to protect yourself and your legal rights:

  1. Get medical help: Your health comes first. Even if you don’t feel hurt, see a doctor right away. Some injuries don’t show up immediately but can be dangerous if left untreated.
  2. Call the police: Report the accident to the police and wait for them to arrive. They’ll create an official report that can be useful in any legal process.
  3. Get info: Gather info from everyone involved, like the truck driver, their employer, and any witnesses. Get their names, phone numbers, license plate numbers, and insurance details.
  4. Take photos: Snap pictures of the accident scene, any vehicle damage, and any injuries you or others suffered.
  5. Don’t admit fault: Even if you think you might have contributed to the accident, don’t apologize or admit fault. This could be used against you later.
  6. Contact a truck accident lawyer: Get in touch with an experienced truck accident lawyer in New York to help you through the legal process, protect your rights, and seek compensation for any damages or injuries from the accident.

If you’ve been in a truck accident in New York or the Bronx, call Mesadieu Law Firm at 844-3-RIGHT-BY-YOU (844) 374-4482 or reach out to us online to arrange a free case evaluation with one of our experienced truck accident lawyers.

How Long Does It Typically Take to Resolve a Truck Accident Case in New York/Bronx?

The time it takes to sort out a truck accident case in New York or the Bronx can vary a lot. It depends on things like how complicated the case is, how bad the injuries are, and if everyone is willing to agree on a solution.

Sometimes, a truck accident case can be done in a few months, but others might take years to finish. It’s important to have an experienced truck accident lawyer who can look at your case and give you a realistic idea of how long it might take. They can also guide you through the legal process and help you reach a good outcome.

If you’ve been in a truck accident in New York or the Bronx, remember that we’re here 24/7, and we only get paid if we win your case. To set up a free case evaluation with Mesadieu Law Firm, call us at 844-3-RIGHT-BY-YOU (844) 374-4482 or reach out to us online. Our promise is to stand right by you and do right by you at every step of the way.

How Much Compensation Can I Expect for My Truck Accident Case in New York/Bronx?

The amount of money you can get for your truck accident case in New York City, or the Bronx depends on a few things. These include how bad your injuries are, how much your medical bills cost, your property damage, the wages you couldn’t earn, and other financial and non-financial losses.

If you’ve been in a truck accident in New York or the Bronx, we’re here 24/7, and we only get paid if we win your case. To schedule a free case evaluation with Mesadieu Law Firm, call us at 844-3-RIGHT-BY-YOU (844) 374-4482 or get in touch with us online. Our promise is to stand right by you and do right by you at every step of the way.

What Are the Most Common Types of Injuries Sustained in a Truck Accident in New York/Bronx?

The most common injuries in a truck accident in New York or the Bronx include, but not limited to the following:

  1. Head injuries and traumatic brain injuries (TBI).
  2. Spinal cord injuries.
  3. Neck and back injuries.
  4. Broken bones and fractures.
  5. Internal injuries and bleeding.
  6. Burns and cuts.
  7. Amputations.
  8. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Even if you feel okay after a truck accident, it’s crucial to see a doctor right away. Some injuries might not show up right away, and waiting can make them worse. Plus, seeing a doctor creates important records for your case.

If you’ve been in a truck accident in New York or the Bronx, remember we’re here 24/7, and we only get paid if we win your case. To set up a free case evaluation with Mesadieu Law Firm, call us at 844-3-RIGHT-BY-YOU (844) 374-4482 or reach out to us online. Our commitment is to stand right by you and do right by you through every step.

Should I Consult with a Lawyer if There Were No Injuries in a Truck Accident in New York/Bronx?

It’s a good idea to talk to a lawyer after a truck accident, even if no one got hurt. There could still be property damage or other costs to deal with, and a skilled truck accident lawyer can make sure you get fair compensation for any losses. Also, there might be legal or insurance stuff you don’t know about, and a lawyer can give you helpful advice and support through the process.

If you’ve been in a truck accident in New York or the Bronx, remember we’re here 24/7, and we only get paid if we win your case. To set up a free case evaluation with Mesadieu Law Firm, call us at 844-3-RIGHT-BY-YOU (844) 374-4482 or reach out to us online. Our promise is to stand right by you and do right by you at every step.

Under What Circumstances Am I Eligible for Pain and Suffering Damages After a Truck Accident in the Bronx, New York?

Pain and suffering damages are typically awarded to compensate for the physical and emotional distress caused by a truck accident. In the Bronx, New York, you might qualify for these damages if you’ve had a “serious injury” as defined by the state’s laws. This could include things like broken bones, disfigurement, or permanent loss of body function. If the accident left you with emotional trauma, like anxiety or depression, you might also get pain and suffering damages.

A truck accident lawyer who knows the ropes can check out your case and tell you what kinds of damages you could get.

If you’ve been in a truck accident in the Bronx, New York, remember we’re here 24/7, and we only get paid if we win your case. To schedule a free case evaluation with Mesadieu Law Firm, call us at 844-3-RIGHT-BY-YOU (844) 374-4482 or reach out to us online. Our promise is to stand right by you and do right by you through every step.

Is it Important to Report a Truck Accident to Law Enforcement in the Bronx, New York?

Yes, call the police after a truck accident. In New York, it’s a legal requirement to report any motor vehicle accident that leads to injuries, death, or property damage over $1,000. When you call the police, they create a report that has important details about the accident, like when and where it happened, who was involved, and what witnesses say. This report can be useful when you’re dealing with insurance or taking legal action. Also, the police can make sure anyone who’s hurt gets medical help and that the accident scene is cleared up.

If you’ve been in a truck accident in New York or the Bronx, remember we’re here 24/7, and we only get paid if we win your case. To set up a free case evaluation with Mesadieu Law Firm, call us at 844-3-RIGHT-BY-YOU (844) 374-4482 or reach out to us online. Our promise is to stand right by you and do right by you at every step.

When Should I Contact My Insurance Company After a Truck Accident in the Bronx, New York?

After a truck accident in the Bronx, New York, call your insurance company as soon as you can. It’s recommended to do this within 24 hours of the accident so they can start looking into it and begin the claims process. Reporting it early helps because the accident details are still fresh in your mind. When you talk to your insurance company, make sure to give them all the accurate info about what happened so they can figure out your claim properly.

If you’ve been in a truck accident in the Bronx, New York, remember we’re here 24/7, and we only get paid if we win your case. To set up a free case evaluation with Mesadieu Law Firm, call us at 844-3-RIGHT-BY-YOU (844) 374-4482 or reach out to us online. Our promise is to stand right by you and do right by you at every step.

How Should I Handle Communication with an Insurance Adjuster After a Truck Accident in the Bronx, New York?

After a truck accident, it’s important to be cautious when talking to insurance adjusters. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Be careful: Remember that insurance adjusters work for the insurance company, not for you. Their job is to minimize what the insurance company pays out.
  2. Don’t give recorded statements without legal help: Insurance adjusters might ask for a recorded statement about the accident. It’s best to say no to this until you’ve talked to a truck accident lawyer. Anything you say can be used against you later.
  3. Don’t admit fault: Avoid admitting fault or making statements that sound like you’re admitting fault. Stick to the facts of the accident and don’t guess about what happened.
  4. Be honest: Even though you shouldn’t admit fault, always be honest when talking to an insurance adjuster. Lying or exaggerating can hurt your case.
  5. Get it in writing: If an insurance adjuster makes a settlement offer or any promises, ask for it in writing. This can prevent misunderstandings later.
  6. Keep records: Keep track of all your communication with the insurance adjuster, like phone calls, emails, and letters. Also, keep copies of your medical bills and other expenses from the accident.
  7. Don’t sign anything without a lawyer: If an insurance adjuster wants you to sign something, talk to a lawyer first. Signing a document without knowing what it says can harm your case.
  8. Talk to an attorney: It’s a good idea to speak with a truck accident lawyer before you talk to an insurance adjuster. A lawyer can protect your rights and make sure you get fair compensation for your injuries and damages.

Remember, insurance adjusters are trained to protect their company’s interests, not yours. Be cautious when dealing with them and don’t hesitate to get legal help if needed.

Mesadieu Law Firm is here 24/7. Contact us today at 844-3-Right-By-You (844) 374-4482 or online to set up a free case evaluation. Our commitment to our clients is unwavering, and we stand by you every step of the way. We’ll stand right by you, and we’ll do right by you.

What Steps Should I Take If I Experience Injuries After a Truck Accident in the Bronx, New York?

If you discover injuries following a truck accident in New York/Bronx, here’s what you should do:

  1. Get Medical Help: Your health should be your first concern. If you have any injuries, seek immediate medical attention. Even if you don’t feel pain right away, it’s essential to see a doctor, as some injuries might not show up immediately.
  2. Document Your Injuries: Keep a record of the injuries you’ve sustained after the accident. Take photos of any visible injuries, note the dates and times of your medical appointments, and keep track of any prescribed medications.
  3. Contact Your Lawyer: If you already have a lawyer, inform them about your new injuries. If you haven’t hired a lawyer yet, consider getting in touch with one who specializes in truck accident cases. They can guide you on the best steps to take.
  4. Notify Your Insurance Company: Inform your insurance company about any injuries you’ve experienced post-accident. They may need this information for processing your claim and providing necessary coverage.

Always prioritize your health and don’t delay seeking medical help if you have any injuries following a truck accident.

Mesadieu Law Firm is available 24/7. Contact us today at 844-3-RIGHT-BY-YOU (844) 374-4482 or online to arrange a free case evaluation. Our unwavering standard is “Right by You.” We’ll Stand Right By You.  We’ll Do Right By you every step of the way.

What Should I Do If I Lost a Loved One to A Truck Accident in the Bronx, New York?

Losing a loved one in a truck accident is incredibly tough, and you may wonder what to do next. Here are some steps to consider:

  1. Reach out to a caring and experienced wrongful death attorney: A wrongful death attorney can provide valuable guidance and support during this challenging time. They’ll help you understand your legal options, including pursuing a wrongful death claim.
  2. Collect information and evidence: Gather all available information and evidence about the accident, like police reports, witness statements, and photos. This evidence can be crucial for building a strong case.
  3. Talk to a grief counselor or therapist: Dealing with the loss of a loved one is emotionally overwhelming. Seeking help from a professional can provide much-needed emotional support and guidance.
  4. Notify the insurance company: If your loved one had insurance coverage, it’s important to inform the insurance company of their passing. An attorney can assist you with this process.
  5. Take care of yourself: Grieving is a challenging journey, so remember to take care of yourself. This could involve taking time off work, spending time with loved ones, and seeking support from a grief support group.

Mesadieu Law Firm is available around the clock, and we only charge a fee if you receive the justice and compensation you deserve. Contact our compassionate and dedicated attorneys today at 844-3-RIGHT-BY-YOU (844) 374-4482 or online to schedule a free case evaluation. Our commitment to our clients is unwavering, and we’re here to stand right by you and do right by you every step of the way.

Whom Can I Sue If I was Hit by A Truck in the Bronx, New York?

If you were struck by a truck in the Bronx, New York, it’s possible that various parties could be responsible for your injuries. These parties might include:

  1. The truck driver: If the truck driver acted negligently or recklessly, they could be held responsible for your injuries.
  2. The trucking company: The trucking company could be held accountable for your injuries if they were negligent in hiring or training the driver, didn’t maintain the truck safely, or pressured the driver to break safety rules to meet delivery deadlines.
  3. The truck or parts manufacturer: If the accident happened due to a defect in the truck or one of its components, like faulty brakes or a flawed steering system, the manufacturer of the truck or those parts could be held liable.
  4. Other parties: Depending on the specific details of the accident, additional parties might also be liable, such as a third-party maintenance company that worked on the truck.

It’s crucial to consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer to figure out which parties might be responsible for your injuries and to take the right legal steps.

Mesadieu Law Firm is available around the clock, and we only charge a fee if you receive the justice and compensation you deserve. Contact our compassionate and dedicated attorneys today at 844-3-RIGHT-BY-YOU (844) 374-4482 or online to schedule a free case evaluation. Our commitment to our clients is unwavering, and we’re here to stand right by you and do right by you every step of the way.

Can I File a Lawsuit If I was Injured by Cargo that Fell Out of a Truck in New York?

If you were hurt by cargo that fell from a truck in the Bronx, New York City, you have the option to file a lawsuit. The truck driver or the truck-owning company may be held accountable for the accident. To build your case, make sure to gather as much information as you can at the accident scene, including the company’s name that owns the truck, the driver’s name, and any details about the truck and its cargo. Seeking medical attention promptly after the accident is a good idea. Consulting with an experienced personal injury lawyer is also advisable. They can help you understand your legal rights and choices.

If you’ve been in a truck accident in the Bronx, New York, remember that we’re here 24/7, and we won’t charge you unless we win your case. To arrange a free case evaluation with Mesadieu Law Firm, you can reach us at 844-3-RIGHT-BY-YOU (844) 374-4482 or contact us online. Our unwavering commitment is to stand by your side and do right by you every step of the way.

What Are the Key Differences Between Truck Accidents and Car Accidents in New York?

Truck accidents and car accidents have some significant differences, especially in terms of the injuries they cause and the legal aspects. Here’s what sets them apart:

  1. Injury Severity: Truck accidents often lead to more severe injuries due to the larger size and weight of commercial trucks. These injuries can be life-threatening or result in permanent disabilities, while car accidents usually cause less severe injuries.
  2. Complex Legal Claims: Truck accidents tend to be legally more complex. Multiple parties, such as the trucking company, the driver, the truck owner, and the truck manufacturer, can be involved. Federal and state regulations may come into play, affecting liability.
  3. Investigation: Investigating a truck accident often demands more resources and expertise than a car accident. Factors like driver fatigue, inadequate maintenance, or improper cargo loading can contribute to the accident. Thorough investigations may require accident reconstruction, checking the truck’s maintenance and inspection records, and interviewing witnesses.
  4. Insurance Coverage: Trucking companies typically carry higher insurance coverage compared to individual drivers. This means more insurance funds may be available to cover damages and injuries arising from a truck accident.
  5. Statute of Limitations: In New York City/Bronx, the standard time limit for filing a personal injury claim is usually three years from the accident date. However, deadlines can vary depending on the circumstances, especially if the claim is against a government entity. In essence, truck accidents are often more severe and legally intricate than car accidents. It’s crucial to work with an experienced attorney who knows the ins and outs of truck accident cases.

If you’ve been in a truck accident in the Bronx, New York, remember that we’re available 24/7, and we won’t charge you unless we win your case. To arrange a free case evaluation with Mesadieu Law Firm, call us at 844-3-RIGHT-BY-YOU(844) 374-4482 or contact us online. Our unwavering commitment is to stand by your side and do right by you every step of the way.

What Are Truck Underride Accidents and How Do They Occur in New York?

Truck underride accidents occur when a car or another vehicle crashes into the back of a truck and ends up sliding beneath it. Even though the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration requires truck trailers to have rearguards to prevent these types of crashes, these guards can still fail in accidents, especially if they’re old or not properly maintained. Sometimes, smaller vehicles can also slide under the side of a truck trailer, especially when the truck is making a turn.

If you’ve been in a truck accident in New York, we’re here for you around the clock, and we won’t charge you unless we succeed with your case. To set up a free case evaluation with Mesadieu Law Firm, give us a call at 844-3-RIGHT-BY-YOU (844) 374-4482 or reach out to us online. Our unwavering commitment is to stand by your side and do right by you every step of the way.

What Are the Typical Types of Damages in a Truck Accident Case in New York?

Truck accidents can lead to various types of harm for the victim. The good news is that New York law offers compensation to those involved in vehicle accidents, which covers losses related to physical, financial, and emotional damage.

Serious Property Damage: Truck accidents can result in significant damage to property. Given the large size and weight of commercial trucks, collisions with smaller vehicles can cause severe damage to cars and other property close to the road, like homes, garages, and yards. In such cases, property owners may be entitled to compensation for the damages caused by the truck accident.

Severe Physical Injuries: One of the most devastating consequences of a truck accident is severe physical injuries. Due to the size and weight of commercial trucks, these accidents often lead to catastrophic injuries like traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, amputations, burns, and fractures. Such injuries can have long-lasting effects on the victim’s physical, emotional, and financial well-being, often requiring extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation. Victims can seek compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and the pain and suffering resulting from their injuries.

Financial Losses: Financial losses can be substantial following a truck accident. This includes medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses incurred due to the accident. In some cases, victims may require ongoing medical care or rehabilitation, resulting in long-term financial implications. Moreover, if the accident leads to a fatality, the victim’s family might also experience financial losses like funeral expenses and loss of income. These losses are taken into account when seeking compensation in a truck accident case.

Emotional Damages: Emotional distress and trauma are other common types of harm in a truck accident case. Truck accident victims can suffer from psychological issues, including anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other emotional challenges. Legal claims against the at-fault party can compensate for these emotional damages.

Collaborating with a truck accident lawyer in New York City/Bronx from our firm ensures that your emotional damages are considered when pursuing a settlement.

If you’ve been in a truck accident in New York, our team is here for you 24/7. We work on a no-fee basis unless we win your case. To set up a free case evaluation with Mesadieu Law Firm, give us a call at 844-3-RIGHT-BY-YOU (844) 374-4482 or reach out to us online. Our commitment is to stand by your side and do right by you every step of the way.

Should I Hire a Truck Accident Lawyer for a Minor Accident?

It’s always a wise decision to consult with a truck accident lawyer, no matter how minor the accident might seem. Even in seemingly small accidents, you could sustain injuries or damage to your property that may not become evident right away. A knowledgeable truck accident lawyer can review your case, negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf, and make sure you receive fair compensation for your losses. It’s better to be cautious and seek legal advice to safeguard your rights and make sure you get the justice and compensation you’re entitled to.

If you’ve been in a truck accident in New York, our team is available 24/7, and we work on a no-fee basis unless we win your case. To arrange a free case evaluation with Mesadieu Law Firm, you can reach us at 844-3-RIGHT-BY-YOU (844) 374-4482 or contact us online. Our commitment is to stand right by you and do right by you at every step of the way.

How Long Does It Typically Take to Resolve a Truck Accident Claim in New York?

The time it takes to resolve a truck accident claim in New York can vary widely. It depends on how complicated the case is, how severe the injuries are, and if everyone is willing to agree on a fair settlement. Generally, it might take anywhere from a few months to several years to resolve a truck accident claim.

During this time, the people involved in the case usually discuss things and try to reach a settlement agreement. If they can’t agree on a settlement, the case might end up going to court, and a trial could be needed to decide what happens.

To navigate this process and make sure you get the compensation you deserve for your injuries and losses, it’s crucial to have an experienced truck accident lawyer on your side. They can also provide you with a better estimate of how long your specific case might take, based on its unique details.

If you’ve been in a truck accident in New York, our team is available 24/7, and we work on a no-fee basis unless we win your case. To arrange a free case evaluation with Mesadieu Law Firm, call us at 844-3-RIGHT-BY-YOU (844) 374-4482 or contact us online. Our commitment is to stand right by you and do right by you at every step of the way.

How Can I Protect My Legal Rights After a Truck Accident in New York?

After a truck accident in New York/Bronx, it’s crucial to take specific actions to protect your legal rights. Here are some steps you should follow:

  1. Get medical help: Your health and safety should come first. Even if you don’t feel hurt, seek medical attention immediately. Some injuries might not show up right away, and having a medical record can be important for your case.
  2. Document the scene: If you can, take pictures of the accident site, the vehicles involved, and any visible injuries you may have. Also, make sure to get the names and contact information of any witnesses.
  3. Call the police: Dial 911 and report the accident to the police. A police report can be valuable for your case.
  4. Don’t admit fault: Avoid apologizing or admitting fault for the accident. These statements can be used against you in legal proceedings.
  5. Contact a truck accident lawyer: It’s essential to reach out to an experienced truck accident lawyer as soon as possible. They can help protect your rights and guide you through the legal process.

By following these steps, you can safeguard your legal rights and increase the chances of a successful truck accident claim. 

If you’ve been in a truck accident in New York/Bronx, our team is available 24/7, and we work on a no-fee basis unless we win your case. To arrange a free case evaluation with Mesadieu Law Firm, call us at 844-3-RIGHT-BY-YOU (844) 374-4482 or contact us online. Our commitment is to stand right by you and do right by you at every step of the way.

What Are My Options If the At-Fault Party in a Truck Accident Does Not Have Insurance in New York?

If the person responsible for a truck accident in New York City/Bronx doesn’t have insurance, you have a few options to consider:

  1. Uninsured motorist coverage: If you have uninsured motorist coverage in your own insurance policy, you can make a claim with your own insurance company to cover the damages from the accident.
  2. Personal injury lawsuit: You can file a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault party to seek compensation. However, if they lack insurance, they may not have the assets to pay for your damages even if you win the case.
  3. Governmental entity claims: If the truck involved in the accident belonged to a government agency or was driven by a government employee, you might be able to file a claim against that agency to recover damages.
  4. Negotiations: In some situations, the at-fault party may be willing to pay for damages out of their pocket to avoid legal action. You can negotiate with them and try to agree on the compensation amount.

It’s crucial to speak with a truck accident attorney to understand your options and decide the best course of action for your specific case. 

If you’ve been in a truck accident in New York/Bronx, our team is available 24/7, and we operate on a no-fee basis unless we win your case. To set up a free case evaluation with Mesadieu Law Firm, call us at 844-3-RIGHT-BY-YOU (844) 374-4482 or contact us online. Our commitment is to stand right by you and do right by you at every step of the way.

In New York, who is Liable for a Truck Accident—The Truck Driver or the Trucking Company?

In a New York truck accident, figuring out who is to blame depends on the specific circumstances of the accident. Sometimes, it’s the truck driver’s fault, but in other cases, the trucking company may also share the blame.

If the truck driver was negligent or acted recklessly – like driving under the influence, speeding, or using a phone while driving – they could be responsible for the accident. However, if the driver was an employee of a trucking company, the company may also be held responsible. This is because of a legal concept called “respondeat superior,” which makes employers accountable for their employees’ actions.

The trucking company may also be at fault if they were careless when hiring, training, or supervising the driver. They could also be responsible if they didn’t properly maintain or repair the truck. Furthermore, if the accident was caused by a defect in the truck or its parts, the manufacturer of the truck or those parts might also be held liable.

Determining who’s at fault in a truck accident can be a complex process. It’s crucial to consult with an experienced truck accident attorney in New York City/Bronx who can thoroughly investigate the accident and help identify who should be responsible for the damages you’ve suffered.

If you’ve been in a truck accident in New York/Bronx, our team is here 24/7, and we don’t charge any fees unless we win your case. To arrange a free case evaluation with Mesadieu Law Firm, you can call us at 844-3-RIGHT-BY-YOU (844) 374-4482 or contact us online. Our commitment is to stand right by you and do right by you at every step of the way.

What Makes Truck Accident Claims Unique in New York?

Truck accident claims in New York have their own unique characteristics. First, trucks are much larger and heavier than regular cars, which means accidents involving them often lead to more severe injuries and damages.

Second, trucking companies need to follow specific federal rules, and these regulations can affect who’s responsible in an accident.

Third, truck accidents usually have multiple parties involved, like the driver, the trucking company, the truck manufacturer, or the maker of its parts, and each of them could share liability.

Lastly, the process of investigating and collecting evidence in a truck accident is often more complicated. It needs special knowledge and resources to build a strong case.

If you’ve been in a truck accident in New York City or the Bronx, we’re here 24/7, and we only charge a fee if we win your case. To arrange a free consultation with Mesadieu Law Firm, just call us at 844-3-RIGHT-BY-YOU (844) 374-4482 or get in touch online. Our commitment is to stand by you and do right by you every step of the way.

What is the Average Settlement Amount for a Truck Accident Case in New York?

Determining an average settlement amount for a truck accident case in New York is quite tricky because each case is unique. The amount you might receive depends on various factors such as the extent of your damages, who’s at fault, and the insurance coverage involved. Settlements can vary widely, ranging from a few thousand dollars to millions.

If you’ve had a truck accident in New York, we’re available 24/7, and we only charge a fee if we win your case. To arrange a free consultation with Mesadieu Law Firm, just call us at 844-3-RIGHT-BY-YOU (844) 374-4482 or get in touch online. Our commitment is to stand by you and do right by you every step of the way.

Will I Have to Go to Court for a Truck Accident Case in New York?

In some situations, a truck accident case can be resolved without going to court. This typically involves discussions and negotiations between the parties involved. However, if an agreement can’t be reached, the case might go to trial, which means you’d have to participate in court hearings. Also, if the insurance company or the other party disagrees with who’s at fault or how much compensation should be given, you might need to file a lawsuit and pursue the case in court.

Having an experienced truck accident lawyer is essential in this process. They can guide you through the legal proceedings and help you decide the best approach for your particular case.

If you’ve had a truck accident in New York or the Bronx, we’re here to assist you 24/7, and we only charge a fee if we win your case. To arrange a free consultation with Mesadieu Law Firm, just call us at 844-3-RIGHT-BY-YOU (844) 374-4482 or reach out to us online. Our commitment is to stand by you and do right by you every step of the way.

How Does Driver Fatigue Contribute to Truck Accidents?

Driver fatigue is a major reason behind many truck accidents. Truck drivers often have to work long hours and stick to tight delivery schedules, and this can lead to them not getting enough sleep, making them tired. When a driver is tired, their ability to react quickly, make good decisions, and judge situations properly is affected, making accidents more likely. Tired drivers might even experience microsleeps, which are brief moments of sleep that last just a few seconds but can be long enough to cause a dangerous accident.

Moreover, fatigue can cause drivers to lose focus and not pay enough attention to the road and their surroundings, increasing the chances of accidents with other vehicles, pedestrians, or objects on the road.

If you’ve been in a truck accident in New York or the Bronx, we’re here to help 24/7, and we only charge a fee if we win your case. To set up a free meeting with Mesadieu Law Firm, you can call us at 844-3-RIGHT-BY-YOU (844) 374-4482 or get in touch online. Our promise is to stand by you and do right by you at every step of the process.

How is Negligence Determined in a Truck Accident Case in New York?

In a truck accident case in New York, we determine negligence by showing that the responsible party had a duty to be reasonably careful, but they failed in that duty. Their failure caused the accident and the resulting harm.

To prove negligence, we use evidence like police reports, accounts from witnesses, reports about how the accident happened, and your medical records. It’s crucial to have an experienced truck accident lawyer who can collect and review this evidence to build a strong case to show negligence.

If you’ve been in a truck accident in New York, we’re here 24/7, and we only charge if we win your case. To arrange a free meeting with Mesadieu Law Firm, just call us at 844-3-RIGHT-BY-YOU (844) 374-4482 or get in touch online. Our commitment is to stand by you and do right by you every step of the way.

What Types of Truck Accidents Can Occur in New York?

There are several types of truck accidents that can occur in New York, include but not limited to the following:

  1. Rear-end collisions: This is when a truck hits the vehicle in front of it from behind.
  2. Jackknife accidents: These happen when a truck’s trailer swings out to the side, forming a 90-degree angle with the truck cab.
  3. Rollover accidents: This occurs when a truck tips over on its side or roof, often because of high speeds or sharp turns.
  4. Underride accidents: These occur when a smaller vehicle collides with a truck and gets wedged underneath its trailer.
  5. Blind spot accidents: These occur when a truck driver can’t see another vehicle in its blind spot and collides with it.
  6. Lost load accidents: These happen when a truck’s cargo becomes loose and falls onto the road or other vehicles.
  7. T-bone accidents: This occurs when a truck collides with a vehicle from the side, forming a “T” shape.

Each type of accident can lead to severe injuries or even death. So, it’s important to get legal assistance if you’ve been in a truck accident.

If you’ve had a truck accident in New York, we’re here 24/7. And don’t worry about fees – we only charge if we win your case. To arrange a free meeting with Mesadieu Law Firm, just call us at 844-3-RIGHT-BY-YOU (844) 374-4482 or get in touch online. Our commitment is to stand by you and do right by you every step of the way.

What Are the Common Causes of Truck Accidents in New York?

Truck accidents in New York can happen for various reasons, include but not limited to the following:

  1. Driver tiredness: When truck drivers spend too long on the road without enough rest, they can get really tired. This makes them slower to react and make good decisions.
  2. Distractions: Truck drivers might get distracted by things like their phones or GPS devices, which takes their attention away from driving safely.
  3. Lack of proper training: If drivers haven’t been trained well, they might not know how to handle their trucks in tricky situations, leading to accidents.
  4. Overloaded or too big loads: Putting too much stuff in a truck or carrying loads that are too large can make the truck unstable and more likely to have an accident.
  5. Poor vehicle maintenance: If trucks aren’t looked after properly, things can go wrong, like brakes failing or tires blowing out, which can lead to accidents.
  6. Reckless driving: Things like driving too fast or tailgating (driving too close behind another vehicle) can cause truck accidents.
  7. Weather issues: Bad weather like rain, snow, or ice can make it hard for a truck driver to control their vehicle safely.
  8. Drugs or alcohol: When a driver is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they can’t make good decisions or react quickly, making accidents more likely.

If you’ve been in a truck accident in New York/Bronx, we’re here to help 24/7. And don’t worry about fees – we only charge if we win your case. To set up a free meeting with Mesadieu Law Firm, just call us at 844-3-RIGHT-BY-YOU(844) 374-4482 or get in touch online. Our promise is to stand right by you and do right by you every step of the way.

Parties That May Be Held Liable After a Truck Accident in New York

It’s important to figure out all the people or companies that might be responsible in a truck accident. This helps make sure you get as much money as possible to cover your losses. Sometimes, there’s more than one party at fault.

A good truck accident lawyer can look into the crash really carefully, collect proof to find out what caused it, and then pinpoint all the parties that should be held accountable. They’ll work hard to get you the money you need for your injuries and what you’ve lost.

The Role of the Trucking Company in a Truck Accident Case in New York

Trucking companies sometimes prioritize making money more than keeping people safe. To boost their profits, they might break the rules by not taking good care of their trucks, hiring drivers who aren’t qualified, and making drivers work longer hours than they’re supposed to.

If a trucking company’s carelessness leads to a truck accident, they could be responsible for:

  • Not keeping their vehicles safe.
  • Hiring drivers who aren’t qualified or trained well.
  • Not following the rules about how many hours drivers can work.

When a trucking company doesn’t focus on safety, it endangers lives. If their actions cause you to get hurt, a truck accident lawyer can make them answer for it. Your lawyer can also look into the company’s history to see if they’ve broken safety rules before and if people have complained about them.

The Truck Driver

Regrettably, some truck drivers behave recklessly or carelessly while driving, which can be dangerous for themselves and others on the road. Here are some examples of how a truck driver’s actions can lead to a truck accident:

  • Distracted driving: This includes activities like texting or using a phone while driving.
  • Driving under the influence: This involves being impaired by drugs or alcohol while driving.
  • Speeding: This can be driving too fast for the road conditions or the weather.
  • Improper cargo handling: This includes not securing or loading cargo correctly.
  • Neglected truck maintenance: This encompasses not taking care of the truck, including its brakes and tires.
  • Violating rules about driving hours: This involves driving when fatigued, which breaks hours-of-service regulations.

In truck accident cases in New York, it’s not unusual for the truck driver, the trucking company, or their insurance to deny responsibility, even if they were at fault. In such situations, having a truck accident lawyer is crucial. They can investigate the accident to find out what caused it and make sure the driver is held responsible for their actions.

If you’ve been in a truck accident in New York, we’re available 24/7, and we only get paid if we win your case. To arrange a free case evaluation with Mesadieu Law Firm, you can call us at 844-3-RIGHT-BY-YOU (844) 374-4482 or reach out to us online. Our unwavering commitment is to stand by you and do right by you throughout the entire process.

The Manufacturer

Sometimes, the company that made the truck could also be responsible for a truck accident. If the accident happened because of a problem with how the truck was designed or built, the manufacturer might have to cover the injuries and damages that resulted. To figure out if a manufacturing issue caused the accident, we need to do a thorough investigation. If it turns out that the truck’s design or build was the problem, we can file a product liability claim against the manufacturer. A skilled truck accident lawyer can help identify any potential responsibility on the part of the manufacturer and support you in seeking compensation for your injuries and losses.

If you’ve had a truck accident in New York/Bronx, we’re here round the clock, and we only get paid if we win your case. To set up a free case evaluation with Mesadieu Law Firm, you can call us at 844-3-RIGHT-BY-YOU (844) 374-4482 or get in touch with us online. Our unwavering commitment is to stand by you and do right by you at every step of the process.

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